WV Fountain Comes Back to Life

Parkersburg, WV Fountain Comes Back to Life!

Luke RobinsonCast iron, Fountain, Statue

The beautiful town of Parkersburg, WV has had a cast-iron fountain for over a century. At least, MOST of the fountain was cast iron for that long!

As it turned out, some of the components from the original iron piece had been damaged years ago and were replaced with (gasp) plaster replicas!

So, when the fountain was damaged yet again in 2018, the Robinson Iron team collaborated with city officials to remove what was left of the fountain, re-create a piece in the same spirit and size and the original and re-install the final product. On July 15, 2020, the new-old Parkersburg Fountain was back in its rightful place!

Check out the latest from West Virginia’s WTAP here: WTAP News Report on Fountain

Big thanks to the city of Parkersburg officials who oversaw the project, the fine folks at Alan Stone Company who did an amazing job on the pool construction and, of course, all of the great residents who came out to see the fountain be put up!

The original side panels were sent in advance of the fountain so the pool could be poured to them.


Components on the ground waiting to be erected


Up, up and AWAY goes the bottom bowl- it weighed 7,200 pounds!

Almost there! The middle stem being put in place

Ta Da! The fountain is ready!



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