Jackson Memorial Fountain

Jackson Memorial Fountain Has Arrived in West Virginia!

Luke RobinsonCast iron, Fountain, Statue

From the Parkersburg News and Sentinel……..

PARKERSBURG — The Jackson Memorial Fountain is back in City Park.

City Engineer Adam Stout estimated it will take about three weeks to have the new fountain installed after it was delivered — in pieces — Monday afternoon. Approximately 15,000 pounds of cast iron and accompanying pipes and hardware were unloaded by a City of Parkersburg crew and employees of project contractor Alan Stone Co. after being delivered from Robinson Iron in Alexander City, Ala.

Fabricated to be as close to the original fountain as possible, the replacement structure will weigh close to 30,000 pounds with water flowing through it, Stout said.

“That’s why the concrete (at the base) is so thick, and it has double mats of rebar in it,”he said.

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