Fun Facebook Video of the Council Bluffs, IA Fountain

Luke RobinsonFountain

Facebook and other social media outlets are so much fun to check when Robinson Iron restores or creates a fountain! Check out this video from Travel Council Bluffs Facebook page in the link below and see the wonderful use of LED lighting with the fountain Robinson Iron restored in 2014.  

The Edd King Memorial Fountain Rededication

Luke RobinsonFountain

In a beautiful rededication ceremony, the Edd King Memorial Fountain – which was originally built by Robinson Iron 30 years ago to remember the fallen Mayor- was put back into operation in its rightful place! Thanks to the great people of Mount Pleasant and several unbelievable family members of the late  King (like his niece Mary Hassenfritz) the fountain was …

The Eckhart Public Library in Auburn, IN has its Fountain Again!

Luke RobinsonFountain

The Eckhart Public Library in Auburn, IN is quite possibly the city’s most iconic locale. One of that institution’s prominent fixtures is the gorgeous, historic cast iron fountain in the front of the building.       Despite having been moderately re-done around 25 years ago, the more than 100 year old fountain definitely needed another full restoration. Luckily- as …

The Roman Fluted Magnus Fountain to the Rescue!

Luke RobinsonFountain

One of Robinson Iron’s most popular fountains is used to help restore some of Skowhegan’s history…. Check out the link below to see how!  

The Abbeville, Alabama Fountain

Luke RobinsonFountain

Robinson Iron worked with prominent members of the Abbeville, AL community to create a unique fountain for their historic town. The fountain pool was also built by Robinson Iron. Typically utilized as a ring around a fountain, this cast iron pool wall is welded to a steel base to create the basin and make the fountain self-contained. Using existing pattern …

The Roman Fluted Magnus Fountain

Luke RobinsonFountain

  The Roman Fluted Magnus Fountain has traditionally been one of Robinson Iron’s most popular pieces. Based on the original J.L. Mott Foundry design (because Robinson Iron has acquired the patterns), this beautiful piece can be used residentially or commercially. Of course, at Robinson Iron we can customize any of our fountains. So the Magnus can be transformed into a …

A Must- Share Video on the Tattnall Square Fountain

Luke RobinsonFountain

So often after a fountain install there will be news crews on hand to shoot video and tell the tale. Sometimes, we may not get to see these videos until well after the fact.   Below is such a video from last December regarding the Tattnall Square Fountain… Enjoy as this news team does a fantastic job of putting this …